Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Almost done packing! Took over the living room and with my moms help watched my mom pack all my things! I tried to help but she didn't want me to.

Here's what it looks like so far! My mom definitely did a better job than I would have. And I still have room and plenty of weight to add more things that didn't make the first cut. Maybe a real pillow? Ahh! I completely forgot to pack any books. Good thing I have at least 10 pounds under. 

After packing I went to the beach with a friend. We took my parents puppy!

Things left to do:
-Print Pictures
-Buy/Pack books
-Fill out registration forms
-Figure out Power of Attorney
-Put more music on my Ipod
-Enjoy paved roads to the beach
-Hang out with everyone

1 comment:

  1. You should get a kindle that way u can bring as many books as you want and itll all way less than a pound. Also if u need help with the power of attorney my old boss does them ill give you her info i think she charges like $100 and she can prob have it done in a day for you.

    Im so excited for you. Good luck in Madagascar!!!
